

Front Page


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_ Film

_ Visualization

_ Conceptual

_ Publications



_ MRU Monitor

_ Tech Monitor

_ Earth Watch



_ ProspectV

_ Gaming

_ Concept Tools



_ Prospect On

_ Tech Notes

_ Altitude Rise

_ Writing



_ IT

_ Geographical

_ Imaging

_ Languages


ProspectOn is an article series written internally in MRU to offer a new prospect on core topics of MRU activity. They usually have a conceptual slant, although they may draw from technical, technological or even direct life experience materials. The articles are not reviewed but you should expect from us some control on the poignancy of the released material.

The Planetarium [2002, English]

A narration of the Meta before MRU.

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California Decoded [August 31st, 2006, English]

A slanted-view perspective on California, from first-hand experience and drawing from the lyrics a few famous California-related songs (original lyrics included in the appendix).


The RGB Iron Prison [November 11th, 2006, English]

An interdisciplinary approach to the problem of color representation, explaining how our RGB displays are inherently limited when used to access to the "ground truth" - regardless of new technology, we find ourselves in a perceptual Iron Prison.


Visually Research the World [2010, English]

A leaflet calling to the exploration of the visual world meant to inspire personal endeavours.