Earth Watch


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MRU has installed a weather station in Central Italy in order to have first hand access to weather data and to the practice of weather monitoring.


As the data will be progressively collected, it will posted with appropriate analysis on this web page, alongside with field observations.



We selected the weather station Davis VantagePro2, equipped with a system of automated hardware/software logging of data via a wireless connection.

pdf icon download Report 1 from MRU EarthPod August 07 - December 07


Earth Watch - Fluvial landscape near Piacenza [English]

 webpageLandslides at Tizzano Val Parma (PR) - Interactive Map of emergency communication released on April 14th, 2013, by Sindaco Bodria

webpageLandslide at Capriglio (Tizzano Val Parma - PR) - Interactive Map with selected views based on the overlay of a geologic map